Adapt New Technologies

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As your company looks to add new technologies to your business, you may be hit with some backlash from employees that are a little reluctant to change. Learning something new such as a new software can always be daunting, and your staff may be afraid to step outside their current comfort zone. These steps can help your business integrate new technology programs with ease and the support of your team.

Surround yourself with knowledge

One of the easiest ways to get your staff excited about the possibilities of incorporating new technology into their daily routine is by showing the benefits it offers. Providing knowledge about the software system you intend to invest in prior to its use can help gain buy-in and support from your employees. Offer articles, whitepapers, blogs, and websites that provide a detailed account of what your employees can expect to gain with integration. When they see the possibilities, this technology offers and how it can help reduce their workload, they may be more apt to jump on the bandwagon with total enthusiasm.

Educate from within

Let your IT team take the lead when it comes to adding new technologies to your business. Your tech team is a wealth of knowledge, and you can easily use them to your advantage to talk to staff about how new software or hardware can make their lives easier. They can explain the implementation process and help your staff understand what they can expect from the changes. This may put your employees’ minds at ease as they are able to speak frankly with your IT team about any concerns they may have with the integration.

Provide plenty of training

Throwing your workers into the waters and expecting them to swim is a sure-fire way to lose their support. You need to ease them into a new software application and train them properly on how to handle all the nuances and features. Your employees will naturally become frustrated if they don’t get the proper instruction on how to use the technology. Expecting your staff to fumble their way through a new solution will only create resentment and prevent your team from using the program to its full ability.

Reduce redundancy

As you install new software or hardware into your business, consider what older programs you can eliminate as well. This will make it easier for your employees to accept and use new technology without falling back on an old system as a default. Ease out an old system or software slowly, so your staff has the time they need to learn a new solution without feeling overwhelmed. The more you allow your employees to be a part of the integration, the more willing they will be to utilize and enjoy working with a new technology that helps to reduce their overall responsibilities.

Start the conversation

Keep the conversation flowing about the new technology you have adapted to. Allow your team to exchange tips and tricks with each other and keep the door open for concerns where the technology may be lacking. You may need more customization or a plug-in to get the system up to speed with your staff’s expectations. Be prepared for some backlash at first, but the more you are able to quell the concerns of your team, the better they will be able to ease into the new software you have provided them to do their jobs.

When you are looking for assistance integrating technology into your business, contact Resolute Technologies. Our experienced consultants are ready to assist you and help you with your IT needs. Contact us today!

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