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Job interviews can be nerve-wracking for even the most confident of candidates. There is the fear of the unknown, the promise of a new job, and the unexplainable reaction your body begins to have the moment you begin walking into the interview room. There are ways to manage the stress and get control of the situation, so you are more calm, cool, and collected when you face that anticipated job interview.

They Called!

First of all, when you do get an interview take a moment to relish in your ability to have gotten that far. You already beat out several candidates that didn’t even get a call. If the interview doesn’t go as far as you have hoped you need to step back and realize that your efforts are not in vain and that you are preparing for the next one, which you are sure to land because of what you have gained in the interviewing process with another company.

Interviews Are a Two-Way Street

It takes a change of thinking on your part and a realization that you are just as invested in them as they are in you. Sure, you want a job, but do you want to work for this company? Have you done your homework on them?  You need to investigate them while they are trying to learn more about you. Essentially, you are both in an interview and the impression they make on your matters if you pursue the job any further.

Find Your Confidence

It is exactly this change of mindset that can take the fear and anxiety that you are feeling and put it on the back burner. You don’t have anything to lose if you go in with a confident attitude and actually present yourself as yourself. Come prepared with having armed yourself with details about the company.  Rehearse commonly asked interview questions and be conscious of your posture and smile.  Remember you are talking about yourself, something you are an expert on, be proud of your accomplishments.  Finally, don’t forget to breathe!  This will help you retain control of yourself and manage your demeanor.

Accept What You Can’t Control

Letting your mind wander the gamut of why you didn’t get an offer breeds fear. This rejection can take a toll and unless you realize that it’s not always about you, but rather a combination of factors you have no control of, you’ll wind up feeling defeated. Rejection can really put a dent in your self-esteem and without a change in thinking, you’ll lose that momentum in an interview that could set you apart from other candidates and win you a dream job.

Whether you are an employee going through the interviewing process or an employer looking for new candidates, you can rely on Resolute Technologies to provide the perfect match for both of you. Contact us today and find out how we can propel your hiring and job hunting efforts forward.

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