
Software Technology Leader

Technical Skills: 20+ years of IT experience; Leadership style includes the following pillars: establishing and communication vision, garnering feedback – listening to team members, creating a collaborative environment, mentoring – conducting weekly one on one’s with team members; experienced at establishing a software project management approach which enables stakeholders to re-evaluate and reprioritize; experienced at transforming development and deployment approach by introducing scrum agile cultures that include training on agile principals, redefining roles and responsibilities, and setting expectation of rituals.

Companies Worked At: Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Orbitz World Wide, State Street Bank, Paytrust, Information Paradigms, AT&T, Federal Express

Titles Held: Director of Application Development; Development Manager, Hotel Systems and Hotel Content; Manager, Data Services; Consultant DBA; Director of Database Administration; Senior Database Developer

Location: He is available for opportunities in the Chicagoland area.

Want to know more about this candidate? Contact Richelle Welbourn, Business Development Manager at 847-466-7400 ext 2974 or rwelbourn@resolutetech.com.