Managing Corporate Culture

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If your organizational culture is steadily cruising toward disaster, it is time to take charge and give it an overhaul. Yes, you can change the culture within your company by identifying its strengths and weaknesses and shape it into a mindset that both you and your employees will appreciate.

Organizational change can happen even in the most tight-knit of groups, and all it takes is some buy-in, education, and a new approach. Start by understanding what your current corporate culture is. Do you have low morale? Is there a lack of support? Is there confidence in your leaders? Whatever is ailing your employees is making your business suffer, you need to take action to manage the effects now. Use these tips to give your culture the makeover it deserves.

Discover Your Direction

When your business has the foresight to know exactly where it is heading, it gives employees some direction as well. They feel the endgame and know what the ultimate goal is. Clearly, define your organizational strategy and make it clear what steps need to be taken to reach these achievements. Create a mission, vision, and your core values. If you have them already, they may need to be adjusted. Once you have identified where your business is going, it’s time to spread the word.

Get Everyone Onboard

In a perfect scenario, you would be able to present your vision for the company and have everyone nod in agreement. Since this is unlikely to happen, you need to start with your strongest supporters and work your way down to those that will be harder to persuade. Get buy-in on your vision from your executive team and rely on them to spread the message and create this new sense of corporate culture that everyone will need to get onboard with. Change starts from the top, and your executive team needs to modify their behavior to be in line with the mission of the company and the new values it stands for.

Understand And Educate

Some of your employees will jump onboard the new progression of the company while others will linger back waiting to see what’s next. In order to get a full embrace from your staff, you need to educate them on the new mission of your business and how this will elevate the corporate culture to a new level with values that they can stand behind and believe in. Your training doesn’t stop with your current staff as every person that you hire will need to be put through the paces to understand the corporate culture they have been invited into. This is the only way to ensure that your employees have the same outlook for the future of your company.

Remember Your Roots

While it is important to look to the future and new opportunities ahead, you also want to remember where you came from. Your company history is the bedrock of who your business is today and reminding your employees of the good and bad times that strengthened you into a thriving business today can help give some perspective and grace. Share your story and make sure everyone knows the founding of the company. It is something to be proud of and can create a better understanding of where your values came from.

Recognize And Reward

Your new corporate culture should come with some perks. You should recognize those employees that strive to do well and reward those that are exceedingly exceptional. Your staff will appreciate the recognition, and it can go a long way in boosting morale within your team. Take a look at your current recognition system, if you have one, and modify it to reward those that display the values or support the mission of your organizational culture on a daily basis. This will help to create leaders within your company that stand for the same vision your business is based on.

When you are looking to expand your team, and find new candidates that fit your corporate culture, count on Resolute Technologies to assist you in finding the right team members. Our experienced and professional consultants can help your business grow and build on the values and vision you have created. Contact us today!

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